You Came So Close Original Artwork

$38,000.00 $0.00
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SKU: LL1027293Orig

30 X 20 Oil on Canvas - Nicodemus' decision to not follow Jesus and the rest of the disciples is one of the highlights of The Chosen Season 1. This heart-rending moment depicts Nicodemus' remorse at choosing to keep his earthly status and possessions rather than follow the man he has realized is the true Messiah. The painting is a powerful reminder for us all of the daily choices we make (big or small) to follow, or not follow, in Christ's footsteps and teachings.

You Came So Close Original Artwork

$38,000.00 $0.00
% Off
SKU: LL1027293Orig

30 X 20 Oil on Canvas - Nicodemus' decision to not follow Jesus and the rest of the disciples is one of the highlights of The Chosen Season 1. This heart-rending moment depicts Nicodemus' remorse at choosing to keep his earthly status and possessions rather than follow the man he has realized is the true Messiah. The painting is a powerful reminder for us all of the daily choices we make (big or small) to follow, or not follow, in Christ's footsteps and teachings.