Refrigerator Canyon Waterfall, Zion National Park, Utah

SKU: JK1026681

Refrigerator Canyon, adjacent to Angel’s Landing, is often dry and cool, offering a reprieve for hikers on hot days. When thunderstorms move into the area, however, flash flooding becomes a sudden reality because of the sandstone formations. There is nowhere for the water to collect in the ground, so it’s common for it to rush off the cliffs in spectacular waterfalls.

Refrigerator Canyon Waterfall, Zion National Park, Utah

SKU: JK1026681
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Refrigerator Canyon, adjacent to Angel’s Landing, is often dry and cool, offering a reprieve for hikers on hot days. When thunderstorms move into the area, however, flash flooding becomes a sudden reality because of the sandstone formations. There is nowhere for the water to collect in the ground, so it’s common for it to rush off the cliffs in spectacular waterfalls.