Windblown Original Artwork

$2,500.00 $0.00
% Off
SKU: LP1029835Orig

16 X 12 Oil on Canvas

Windblown – But Still Standing
The location for this painting is from a hike up to Table Rock, near the Grand Teton Peak, when I was serving as a leader to a group of young men and young women. I enjoyed the obvious evidence of the severity of the windstorms that are ever present that high up but also loved the wonderful resilience of the stand of pines. It started as a BYUI Landscape class demo but deserved a good amount of additional studio time later.

Windblown Original Artwork

$2,500.00 $0.00
% Off
SKU: LP1029835Orig

16 X 12 Oil on Canvas

Windblown – But Still Standing
The location for this painting is from a hike up to Table Rock, near the Grand Teton Peak, when I was serving as a leader to a group of young men and young women. I enjoyed the obvious evidence of the severity of the windstorms that are ever present that high up but also loved the wonderful resilience of the stand of pines. It started as a BYUI Landscape class demo but deserved a good amount of additional studio time later.