In the Bible we read that Matthew, Jesus, and other discples were in a boat on the sea when a great wind came and the boat started to toss violetly. Jesus continued to sleep. The men aboard panicked and woke Jesus for help.
Matthew 8:26 says "Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm."
Can you imagine? They were terrified, unsure if they would live through the storm. We will all face trials in this life. There will be times when the sea is raging around us. It may feel as if we are destined to fail, that the storms are too great and that we are helpless.
This painting by Howard Lyon depicts a range of emotions that we may all relate to when the trials come. We will all face difficult moments in our life, when it feels that all is lost. We often try to save ourselves, but when we turn ourselves over to the Lord, having done all that we can, He will save us and we will hear those magnificent words spoken in our hearts: “Peace, be still.”
Havenlight | Let Art Be Your Voice
In the Bible we read that Matthew, Jesus, and other discples were in a boat on the sea when a great wind came and the boat started to toss violetly. Jesus continued to sleep. The men aboard panicked and woke Jesus for help.
Matthew 8:26 says "Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm."
Can you imagine? They were terrified, unsure if they would live through the storm. We will all face trials in this life. There will be times when the sea is raging around us. It may feel as if we are destined to fail, that the storms are too great and that we are helpless.
This painting by Howard Lyon depicts a range of emotions that we may all relate to when the trials come. We will all face difficult moments in our life, when it feels that all is lost. We often try to save ourselves, but when we turn ourselves over to the Lord, having done all that we can, He will save us and we will hear those magnificent words spoken in our hearts: “Peace, be still.”
Havenlight | Let Art Be Your Voice