And at Midnight There was a Cry

SKU: PRG1030464

When I read Matthew 25:6, “And at midnight there was a cry made," I was scared. A flash of fear overcame me when I first started pondering this verse for this painting. Over and over, others taught me that no one could steal my light, charity, hope—positive virtues which help us prepare to meet the bridegroom.

I envisioned, from the viewers right to left, five virgins who were unprepared; they had not developed the positive virtues represented by the light. As a result, they are stunned, complacent, desperate, wishing to steal, and incredibly sad. They wish so desperately to possess the light evoked by those in the background.

The ones in the background are prepared and ready—calm with nothing to fear. Represented by the virtues from the viewers left to right, we see consistent, protective, loyal, charitable, and leading individuals. Dominant traits that those loyal to God personify. I hope this scene can remind us all to stay on the steady path, to remain prepared…so we dont cry at midnight.

And at Midnight There was a Cry

SKU: PRG1030464
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When I read Matthew 25:6, “And at midnight there was a cry made," I was scared. A flash of fear overcame me when I first started pondering this verse for this painting. Over and over, others taught me that no one could steal my light, charity, hope—positive virtues which help us prepare to meet the bridegroom.

I envisioned, from the viewers right to left, five virgins who were unprepared; they had not developed the positive virtues represented by the light. As a result, they are stunned, complacent, desperate, wishing to steal, and incredibly sad. They wish so desperately to possess the light evoked by those in the background.

The ones in the background are prepared and ready—calm with nothing to fear. Represented by the virtues from the viewers left to right, we see consistent, protective, loyal, charitable, and leading individuals. Dominant traits that those loyal to God personify. I hope this scene can remind us all to stay on the steady path, to remain prepared…so we dont cry at midnight.