Sunflowers are known for their remarkable behavior called heliotropism, where they follow the sun’s movement across the sky during the day. This allows them to maximize their exposure to sunlight, essential for growth and vitality. At night, they reorient to face the east, ready to greet the rising sun again.

For us, this painting is about how the sunflower’s pursuit of the sun illustrates the consistency and effort required to follow the Son of God. Life’s distractions may pull us away, but like the sunflower, we are created to seek the light. Where we focus determines how we grow, and by turning our hearts toward Christ, we can flourish in His abundant life.

Reproduced from the artist’s digital artwork created with Midjourney, Procreate, and Photoshop. Created 2024.

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Sunflowers are known for their remarkable behavior called heliotropism, where they follow the sun’s movement across the sky during the day. This allows them to maximize their exposure to sunlight, essential for growth and vitality. At night, they reorient to face the east, ready to greet the rising sun again.

For us, this painting is about how the sunflower’s pursuit of the sun illustrates the consistency and effort required to follow the Son of God. Life’s distractions may pull us away, but like the sunflower, we are created to seek the light. Where we focus determines how we grow, and by turning our hearts toward Christ, we can flourish in His abundant life.

Reproduced from the artist’s digital artwork created with Midjourney, Procreate, and Photoshop. Created 2024.

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