Our Float Frame is custom-made with a small gap between the frame and canvas to accentuate the edges of the artwork and give the illusion of a floating image within the frame.
This painting was inspired by a family whose young boy recently had a tragic passing. I had an idea of an image of what a painting can look like with Christ and a young boy, but then I had a dear friend of mine mention an experience they had - a dream of an image to paint - which ended up leading to this view of the image with Christ and the boy.
I’m so grateful for the hope the gospel brings even in the darkest of times, amidst tragedy and loss. Despite any difficulty we may face, because of Christ, all will be well in the end.
This is a picture of Christ walking with the boy escorting him personally home.
Reproduced from the artists Digital Painting 16 x 20. Created 2024.