I am grateful for the power of prayer. When we pray with sincerity, it is as if we pierce the veil and ascend heavenward. It is there we can approach the throne of God and offer up to Him the pleadings and petitions of our hearts.
What is interesting to note, however, is that approaching God seems to sometimes work differently between men and women. When men want to commune with the Almighty, they are commanded to trek up a mountain, or something similar. With women, however, God comes to THEM!
I can testify that a woman’s heartfelt prayer does indeed reach the heavens; the Lord comes to them in response. I am a witness to the fact that God loves His daughters. He DOES hear them, He DOES answer them, He DOES come to them.
I believe that as more women learn to pray, heaven will seem that much closer to us, and we will feel, in greater abundance, the presence of the Lord.
Thanks be to God for the prayer of His daughters!
Reproduced from the artist’s Digital Painting 16 x 20. Created 2024.
Our Float Frame is custom-made with a small gap between the frame and canvas to accentuate the edges of the artwork and give the illusion of a floating image within the frame.