We all have our own trials while here in mortality. It seems that life has a way of always providing unique challenges for each of us. In many cases, we may be suffering in silence amid a throng of others.
In the crowd we see many “press up” against Jesus Christ seeking their own healing, council, or comfort. “Can He really heal me when His attention is on so many others?” you may ask. I testify that He can!
In fact, when we ACT in faith to approach the Master Healer, we will find that as you reach out, it is a very personal experience. We will find that our act of faith, even if it was just enough to simply touch a hem of His garment, as it were, will be enough to grab His attention. We will discover that, despite the crowd, He notices us!
Reaching out through faith in Christ brings personal, one-on-one moments with Him regardless of how many people plead for His aid; moments that are just between us and Him. He WILL make time for us, we will NEVER be overlooked or forgotten. It doesn’t matter how long we have been dealing with any issue, whether it be 12 years or more. Jesus is ALWAYS and at ALL TIMES within our reach.
This scene found in the Bible is the woman with the issue of blood who suffered with her ailment for 12 years. Although the story portrayed a large crowd, I wanted to emphasize the one-on-one aspect of this story. Any “run-ins” with the Savior are personal between us and Him. I hope to portray this in part with the image of just the woman and Jesus without any other person.
This piece of art also has special significance to my wife and I. We have dealt with infertility for roughly 10 years. It is one of our “issues of blood”. This story brings us peace knowing that the Savior and His blessings are always within our reach despite any outward crowd or commotion.
Reproduced from the artist’s Digital Painting 16 x 20. Created 2024.
Our Float Frame is custom-made with a small gap between the frame and canvas to accentuate the edges of the artwork and give the illusion of a floating image within the frame.