Few of us remember all of Jesus' parables; it seems each time I read the New Testament, it's a matter of rediscovery. I'll come upon a certain parable and find it has new meaning and relevance to my life. That's why I thought I would gather several parables together in one image and create an opportunity for viewers to recall and share them. I'd be delighted if this print inspired you to talk about these stories with your children or grandchildren." - James Christensen

Look for the twelve parables of Jesus in James’ image: The Sower, The House Upon the Rock, The Pharisee and the Publican, The Importunate Friend, The Lost Coin, The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaritan, The Good Shepherd, The Rich Fool, The Ten Virgins, The Talents and The Sheep and the Goats

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Few of us remember all of Jesus' parables; it seems each time I read the New Testament, it's a matter of rediscovery. I'll come upon a certain parable and find it has new meaning and relevance to my life. That's why I thought I would gather several parables together in one image and create an opportunity for viewers to recall and share them. I'd be delighted if this print inspired you to talk about these stories with your children or grandchildren." - James Christensen

Look for the twelve parables of Jesus in James’ image: The Sower, The House Upon the Rock, The Pharisee and the Publican, The Importunate Friend, The Lost Coin, The Prodigal Son, The Good Samaritan, The Good Shepherd, The Rich Fool, The Ten Virgins, The Talents and The Sheep and the Goats

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