“Be still, my soul, the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.”
Truly, Christ is Master over storms. By His voice, they are brought to a still calm. Not only can He do that physically, but He can still the spiritual tempests within us as well.
I know from personal experience that He, whose voice is “as the rushing of great waters”, can bring to peace the roaring waves in our personal lives. It is easy to get caught up in the storms of life, but as we focus on Jesus Christ, those storms get subdued. His presence in our lives will bring a calming peace.
I testify Christ has dominion over all things. Regardless of how great our inner tempests may rage, however fierce they may be, Jesus, if we let Him, can make them still because “the waves and winds still know His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.”
Digital Painting 16 x 24. Created 2024.